Shareholders Meeting

  • 58th General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 58th Financial Statements (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft), and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Item 2-1: Appointment of Hyung Shik Yoon as an Inside Director
    - Item 2-2: Appointment of Jung Hyun Choi as an Outside Director
    - Item 2-3: Appointment of Sung Wook Moon as an Outside Director

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Audit Committee Members

    - Item 3-1: Appointment of Jung Hyun Choi as an Audit Committee Member
    - Item 3-2: Appointment of Yong Dae Kim as an Audit Committee Member

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum Director Compensation for the 59th Fiscal Year: 10 billion KRW

    Agenda Item 5. Partial Amendment of the Articles of Association

    - Key Revisions: Incorporation of provisions from the Electronic Securities Act and the Commercial Act


    58th General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 58th Financial Statements (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024) 88.7%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors -
    No.2-1 Appointment of Hyung Shik Yoon as an Inside Director 97.8%
    No.2-2 Appointment of Jung Hyun Choi as an Outside Director 98.9%
    No.2-3 Appointment of Sung Wook Moon as an Outside Director 99.8%
    No.3 Appointment of Audit Committee Members -
    No.3-1 Appointment of Jung Hyun Choi as an Audit Committee Member 99.0%
    No.3-2 Appointment of Yong Dae Kim as an Audit Committee Member 98.7%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 99.9%
    No.5 Partial Amendment of the Articles of Association 99.9%
  • 57th General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 57th Financial Statements (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft), and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Appointed candidate : (Inside director) Dae Won Kim

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Outside Director as Member of the Audit Committee

    - Appointed candidate : Kyung Taek Shin

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum Director Compensation for the 59th Fiscal Year: 10 billion KRW

    Agenda Item 5. Partial Amendment of the Articles of Association

    - Key Revisions: Change of company name (SAMSUNG E&A Co., Ltd.) and update of the company website accordingly


    57th General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 57th Financial Statements (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) 90.3%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors 96.4%
    No.3 Appointment of Outside Director as Member of the Audit Committee 97.3%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 98.1%
    No.5 Partial Amendment of the Articles of Association 98.5%
  • 56th General Shareholders Meeting


    56th General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 56th Financial Statements (January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022) 74.0%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors -
    No.2-1 Appointment of Gun Ho Hyun as an Inside Director 99.7%
    No.2-2 Appointment of Yong Dae Kim as an Outside Director 99.9%
    No.3 Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee 99.9%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 99.9%
  • Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Appointment of Directors

    - Appointed candidate : (Inside director) Hong Namkoong


    Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Appointment of Directors 99.7%
  • 55th General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 55th Financial Statements (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft) and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Item 2-1: Appointment of outside director Il Moon
    - Item 2-2: Appointment of outside director Jung Hyun Choi

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee

    - Appointed candidate: Outside director Il Moon

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum director compensation for the 56th term : 10 billion KRW


    55th General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 55th Financial Statements (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) 87.4%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors -
    No.2-1 Appointment of outside director Il Moon 99.1%
    No.2-2 Appointment of outside director Jung Hyun Choi 99.9%
    No.3 Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee 98.7%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 99.9%
  • 54th General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 54th Financial Statements (January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft) and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Item 2-1 : Appointment of inside director Sung An Choi
    - Item 2-2 : Appointment of inside director Ju Seong Cheong

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Outside Director as Member of the Audit Committee

    - Appointed candidate : Il Dong Park

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum director compensation for the 55th term : 10 billion KRW


    54th General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 55th Financial Statements (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) 90.6%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors -
    No.2-1 Appointment of outside director Il Moon 91.4%
    No.2-2 Appointment of outside director Jung Hyun Choi 98.5%
    No.3 Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee 96.8%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 81.5%
  • 53rd General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 53rd Financial Statements (January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft) and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Item 2-1 : Appointment of inside director Jae Hoon Choi
    - Item 2-2 : Appointment of outside director Man Ho Seo

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee

    - Appointed candidate : Outside director Man Ho Seo

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum director compensation for the 54th term : 10 billion KRW


    53rd General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 53rd Financial Statements (January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019) 86.6%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors -
    No.2-1 Appointment of inside director Jae Hoon Choi 98.5%
    No.2-2 Appointment of outside director Man Ho Seo 95.9%
    No.3 Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee 97.3%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 82.5%
  • 52nd General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 52nd Financial Statements (January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft) and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Item 2-1 : Appointment of outside director Hyung Sik Oh
    - Item 2-2 : Appointment of outside director Il Moon

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee

    - Item 3-1 : Appointment of Hyung Sik Oh as the member of the Audit Committee
    - Item 3-2 : Appointment of Il Dong Park as the member of the Audit Committee

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum director compensation for the 53rd term : 7.5 billion KRW

    Agenda Item 5. Approval of Revisions to the Articles of Association

    [Revisions to the Articles of Association]
    - Article 9 (Electronic Registration of Rights that Need to Be Indicated in the Stock Certificate and Certificate of Preemptive Rights to New Stocks)
    In place of issuing the stock certificate and the certificate of preemptive rights to new stocks, the Company shall electronically register the rights that need to be indicated in the stock certificate and the certificate of preemptive rights to new stocks in the electronic registration account book of the electronic registration institution.

    - Article 11 (Transfer Agent)
    3. The Company’s shareholders register or its copy shall be kept at the place of administrative business of the transfer agent, and the transfer agent shall handle the electronic registration of stocks, management of the shareholders register, and other administrative activities related to stocks.

    - Article 12 <Deleted>

    - Article 15.2 (Electronic Registration of Rights that Need to Be Indicated in the Corporate Bond Certificate and the Certificate of Preemptive Rights to New Stocks)
    In place of issuing the corporate bond certificate and the certificate of preemptive rights to new stocks, the Company shall electronically register the rights that need to be indicated in the corporate bond certificate and the certificate of preemptive rights to new stocks in the electronic registration account book of the electronic registration institution.

    - Article 16 (Application of Provision for Corporate Bonds)
    The provision in Article 11 shall be applied for issuance of corporate bonds

    - Supplementary Provision
    These Articles of Association shall be effective from March 21, 2019. However, revisions to Articles 9, 11, 12, 15.2 and 16 shall be effective from September 16, 2019 when the Act on Electronic Registration of Stocks, Bonds, etc. comes into effect.


    52nd General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 52nd Financial Statements (January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018) 92.7%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors -
    No.2-1 Appointment of outside director Hyung Sik Oh 98.1%
    No.2-2 Appointment of outside director Il Moon 100%
    No.3 Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee -
    No.3-1 Appointment of Hyung Sik Oh as the member of the Audit Committee 99.0%
    No.3-2 Appointment of Il Dong Park as the member of the Audit Committee 99.0%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 82.5%
    No.5 Approval of Revisions to the Articles of Association 96.7%
  • 51st General Shareholders Meeting

    Agenda Item 1. Approval of the 51st Financial Statements (January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017)

    - Statement of financial position, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flow, statement of appropriation of retained earnings (draft) and annotations

    Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Directors

    - Appointed candidate : (Outside director) Il Dong Park

    Agenda Item 3. Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee

    - Appointed candidate : Outside director Hyung Sik Oh

    Agenda Item 4. Approval of Maximum Director Compensation

    - Maximum director compensation for the 52nd term : 9 billion KRW

    Agenda Item 5. Revisions to the Articles of Association

    [Revisions to the Articles of Association]

    - Article 4 (Announcement Method)
    The announcements of the Company shall be posted on the Company’s website ( However, if the announcement cannot be posted on the Company’s website due to computer issues or other unavoidable reasons, the announcements shall be printed in JoongAng Ilbo, the daily newspaper published in Seoul.

    - Chapter 2 Stocks and Corporate Bonds

    - Article 14 (Issuance of Corporate Bonds)
    1. The Company may issue corporate bonds in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors.
    2. The Board of Directors may determine the price and type of corporate bonds and delegate the job of issuing the bonds within the period of one year to the CEO.

    - Article 14.2 (Issuance of Convertible Bonds)


    51st General Shareholders Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate
    No.1 Approval of the 51st Financial Statements (January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017) 96.8%
    No.2 Appointment of Directors 99.4%
    No.3 Appointment of Member of the Audit Committee 98.4%
    No.4 Approval of Maximum Director Compensation 82.5%
    No.5 Revisions to the Articles of Association 82.5%
Rights to present shareholder proposals

In accordance with Article 542-6 of the Commercial Code, shareholders who own more than 3.0% of outstanding shares with voting rights, or shareholders who own more than 0.5% of outstanding shares with voting rights for more than six months may present shareholder proposals, e.g., director appointments, as agenda items at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, in paper or electronic document form within six weeks prior to the AGM.

The Board shall accept the proposal as an agenda item for a general meeting of shareholders, except where such proposal is in violation of laws or the articles of incorporation, or where it is subject to the rejection of a shareholder proposal as stipulated in Article 12 of the Enforcement Degree of the Commercial Code.