• Completion


  • Location

    Saudi Arabia

  • Business Portfolio


  • Services

    E · P · C

  • Capacity

    EG (Ethylene Glycol) : 700,000 MTPA

  • Client

    Jubail United Petrochemical Company(JUPC)


The SABIC United EO/EG-III Project was aimed at building the world's largest EO/EG plant (MEG 0.7 mil ton/year). To mitigate the risks such as productivity reduction caused by the hot temperature during the summer, we produced skids at shops and delivered them to the site to minimize site work. In addition, we modularized the main pipe rack (L 339m x W 10.5 m x H 19.5 m), 2,392 tons of reactor structure, 58,138 dia-inch of piping, EG-reactor equipment, and electrical and instrumentation cable trays, and assembled them completely outside the site and delivered them as eight modules with the self-propelled modular trailer (SPMT). As a result, we were able to carry out underground cooling water piping work and large volumes of civil work at the same time, which shortened the construction period.

Effective Project Operation from Early Phase to Construction based on Extensive EO/EG Project Experience

Based on our extensive experience in EO/EG projects, we operated the project effectively from the early phase to the construction phase. Furthermore, together with the client, we built an eco-friendly EO/EG plant that ensures safety and a clean environment to minimize greenhouse gas emission and produce sustainable energy and utility. In terms of safety, we recorded 18.8 million safe manhours and executed the project without incidents. In addition, we maximized the local contents for procurement and construction, reaching 32.1% of the total project contract amount which was 6.1% higher than the client requirement, and gained recognition for our competency from the client. Our unique strategy and technological skills not only made a positive contriution to the local economy but also proved once again our qualities as a global leader in the EO/EG plant and the EPC market.


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